Monday, 9 July 2012

Class Observation Report

Class Observation Report
Amirhosein Mardani
The report is about an Elementary English class. The class consists of 4 students. All the students are adult. 3 girls and a boy. There was a white board, teacher’s desk and a laptop. Teacher is a girl about 24 years old.

the English teacher wants to teach:
1-Simple past
2-how to make it positive and negative
3-how to make question form
Explain some nouns and jobs.
C-The teaching process:
The teacher started with asking some question about lessons of last session.  She tried to speak to the level of student in order to students could understand her. All students were true beginners because they have passed a term and they had a kind of background in English. When students were wrong teacher corrected them through their sentences. This is wrong way because teacher didn’t let students themselves understand their errors and also she prevent peer correction.
Then she writes a sentence on board:   “he was the third president”
In this level she tried to teach with inductive method. She started with an example and asked students: is that a positive sentence or negative? Positive, students answered. Then she wants student students to change the sentence to negative and question form. And then she explains them how the structure of sentence is made. And next she asked some another examples orally. This was deductive part of teaching; the teacher explained some roles and then went to some examples and practices. In this part of teaching grammar, the teacher followed academic way of grammar teaching. It was a completion of inductive and deductive and she started first with inductive and then went into deductive.
During her teaching of this part, she tried to concentrate on important part of lesson. For example here “was” and “were” are important words. She tried to highlight them with enhance her voice volume or some gestures.
At last for more practice she wants students to say something negative in simple past about themselves. Next job was pair working. She divided students to two groups and wants them to work on subject together. It takes about 3 minutes. After that she asked them about their work. Here she first let the students correct each other and then she went to teacher correction. So she didn’t repeat her former mistake. She let individual student understand his or her error and make an environment for peer correction and at last teacher correction.
Next part she did the same. It was about contractions. She started with inductive method and said some examples about: I am=I’m or you are=you’re. And then she writes them on board. That was deductive.
Then for more practice she asked some students that: where were your grandparents born? She did correction as the previous one.
Then for better understanding and practice she choose a person to read a simple sentence, a person for make it to negative, and a person to make it to question form.
In next part she was going to teach vocabulary part. She started this part with board, and wrote some noun and verb on board. For example: paint piano, etc. and then she made them to jobs like painter or pianist by adding suffixes. Then she went to book and said to students to do book practice. It takes about 8 minutes. Then she wants students read answers. She continued with peer correction and teacher correction. New words here were active concrete words, and they were about jobs. She gave them simplified definition. And in some extend she wants students to check dictionary.
In this stage she made some mistakes according to academic method of vocabulary teaching. Here she had to start with inductive way and make some background of new word in students mind, For example by showing some pictures and simple definitions. But she went to board and started with deductive. She didn’t use any realia. The good way is suggested here in academic methods is slot given. She didn’t prepare any pre-organized slots to give to students and practice them.
At the end of the class, they have a kind of free discussion about shopping for improving their speaking skill.

Classroom Observation Form
1. Learner-Centered
Does the instructor Challenge the students? (Give explanations of what is expected) No, the process of teaching was like a machine. Each student was waiting for teacher to explain lessons such as vocabulary or grammar. It is expected here; teacher invites students to a kind of challenge by asking them about new lessons and makes a blank space in their mind.
 Does he/she give students choice and control?
No, the class was totally under teacher’s hands and everything was followed by lesson plans.
Does he/she encourage students to work together? Yes, in each part It have been observed that teacher made some teams to working in pair in order to more practice.
 Does he/she ask open ended questions requiring a thoughtful response from students? No, all the questions were asked by teacher were easy and simple. Maybe it was because of level of students.
Does he/she provide material that is interesting and
Relevant? No, she just tried to define what is going on and I hadn’t see use of objects.
 Does he/she show respect (knows names, is polite, etc.)?
  Does he/she provide individual attention to personal learning styles? No, she did not.
 Does he/she encourages students to ask questions? Yes, for example after each part she asked is there any problem to ask? And she tried to make them to ask question.

2. Strategic End-Plan (Lesson Planning)
Does the instructor provide the class with a plan for that class?
Period? (Either verbally or a written outline) Yes, teaching was completely followed by pre-organized plan, and she followed them step by step.

 Does he/she come to the class prepared with notes, instructor aides, equipment needed, etc.? No, all the things were verbally and there was no written things and any equipment.

Does he/she explain any and all materials needed for that class period? Yes, it was complete, However it could be more completed !

Does he/she use technology such as Visualize, computer, and etc? No, there was a laptop and projector but no use in class.

3.  Resource-Rich
Does the instructor use notes /handouts/ Whiteboard/ Videos /computer presentations /demonstrations/textbooks/ Other resource materials? (if yes make a mention of any noticed) Yes just whiteboard for explaining some roles for lesson.


Sunday, 8 July 2012

A way for improving vocabulary

improve your vocabulary with radheshy ( MANIA )


Hey dear friends love you all welcome to this simple and easy but interesting vocabulary improving lesson. A few days ago I was talking with shanie, she has got intermediate level English but she says sometimes she lacks of words, she is trying hard to improve her Vocabulary And I think sometime else or other almost all of us face this kind of problem, don't we? Whether we'd be native English Speaker or not, Sometimes we want to say something but we don't find the exact word, isn't it? Somehow else or other we express ourselves. If you face this kind of problem then this lesson is only for you with some interesting words. again welcome to the lesson " Improve your Vocabulary with Radheshy "!
Today's lesson is about " MANIA " (excessive excitement enthusiasm; craze: The country has mania for soccer. ) There are so many kinds of people are around us. The probe into the complex organism called the human mind reveals how mysterious the ways of human nature are. Some develop MANIA, a compulsive or morbid preoccupation with some impulse or activity e.g., compulsive stealing is called 'kleptomania ' Did you know what's called " a morbid obsession with oneself ? a morbid compulsion to drink ? a mania for talking? " Here is the list of some interesting Manias :                 
1. Bibliomania -obsession with rare books                                      
2. Demonomania -a morbid delusion of being under the influence of an evil spirit
3. Dispomania - a morbid compulsion to drink                                                 
4. Dromomania -a morbid compulsion for travel                                               
5. Egomania - a morbid obsession with oneself                                                
6. Graphomania - a morbid mania for writing                                                   
7. Hypomania -a mild manic excitment
8. Kleptomania - a morbid compulsion to steal
9. Logomania - a mania for talking
10. Macromania - a delusion that one's body has become very big
11. Micromania - a delusion that one's body has become very small
12. Monomania - single fixed obsession
13. Nymphomania - excessive sexual desire in a female
14. Pseudomania - a mania for making false and exaggerated statement
15. Pyromania -compulsion to set fire for thrill
16. Scribblomania- a mania for making meaningless marks on paper
17. Theomania - a delusion that one has become a god
18. Agromania - an intense to be alone or put in the open
19. Necromania - an irresistble attraction to dead bodies
Now think which kind of mania you or the people around you have, start thinking that and pls add some more manias which you know now dear friend if you find these words interesting enough to add them to your vocabulary then try to memorise them and try use them so you could make your knowledge solid * Was this lesson useful ? Yes or No whatever you think pls let me know so i could make cool changes to the lesson which suit you. :)

Friday, 6 July 2012

Common English Errors

Common English Errors

It's vs. Its
It's is the contracted form of It is. This form is used in sentences using "they" as the subject of the sentence with the verb "to be" used as either the helping verb (e.g. It's going ..., It's raining ...) or the principal verb of the sentence.
It's difficult to find work these days.
It's going to rain soon.
Its is the possessive pronoun form. This form is used to express that "it" has a specific quality, or that something belongs to "it".
I found its taste to be superb!
Its color is deep red, almost Burgundy.

They're vs. There vs. Their
They're is the contracted form of They are. This form is used in sentences using "they" as the subject of the sentence with the verb "to be" used as either the helping verb (e.g. They're going ..., They're playing ...) or the principal verb of the sentence.
They're working hard this week.
They're very interested in helping out.
There is used as an introductory subject is sentences with "There is" and "There are". It is also used as an adverb of place meaning "in that place".
There are many people in that room.
That's my house over there.
Their is the possessive pronoun form.
This form is used to express that "they" have a specific quality, or that something belongs to "them".
Their house is in Los Angeles.
He liked their looks!

You're vs. Your
You're is the contracted form of You are. This form is used in sentences using "you" as the subject of the sentence with the verb "to be" used as either the helping verb (e.g. You're going ..., You're watching ...) or the principal verb of the sentence.
You're going to have a great time!
You're much better at tennis than Jim.
Your is the possessive pronoun form. This form is used to express that something belongs to "you".
Your wife is such a kind woman.
I think your skills are outstanding.

A way for improving listening


The Web is here to help

Are you one of those who feel...

o that you don't get enough listening practice in class?
o that audio-books at the school library don't quite cover your needs?
o that you don't have time for listening to English?
o that there are not interesting listening resources at hand?
o that the texts you can listen to are not challenging enough?

All right. If you have ticked at least one of the previous, then carry on reading, because I'll try to help you try.

And this might be the answer to your worries: The world is at your feet thanks to the Internet. Please try some of the following links below and get back to me. You won't be disappointed!

Hey hey hey. Hold on, hold on. Did you say you can't try because you don't have an Internet connection at home? Well... What's the title of this article again? "No more excuses!" Why don't you come over to the Aula Multimedia? It's located on the ground floor of the school and it's open a certain amount of hours every week, JUST FOR YOU. Now... there you go.

For all levels: : This is a radio devised specially for students of English, which offers a variety of programmes running all day. They deal with specific aspects of the four skills + grammar and vocabulary. Very, very interesting. : Listen and watch video, music, pictures and more. Specially designed for students of English too. : Listen to the sounds of English and improve your pronunciation. Watch a video of the mouth pronouncing vowels and consonants. : Listening quizzes for all levels : Drama, prose, poetry, children's stories... Many of them are read aloud in English! Very entertaining. Their free audio clips provide an excellent resource for students and literature lovers of all ages. It has audio, video and animated tiny lessons for those tricky, idiomatic parts of the English language. : News Radio for English learners : English Language Listening Lab Online. Here you can practice and learn English by listening to English speakers from all over the world. Games, Songs... etc.

For beginners and pre-intermediate students: : Interactive fairy tales from all over the world. Choose a story and listen to it while you read the subtitles, karaoke-like. : Modern English for every day situations and at normal conversational speeds. American accents. : Several listening activities for students of English. : A fill-in-the-gaps exercise on Harry Potter's trailer! : Other movies and video clips : Songs with gaps to fill while you listen.

For advanced students: : News in English in many different channels. Listen to live programmes or recorded ones. : Storytellers perform their stories for you! Both children and adults are welcome. : Very famous people being interviewed. Take your pick. There are actors, composers, singers, politicians, scientists, sports personalities... I wouldn't believe you if you said you're not interested in any of them! : Listen to everyday English conversations. Useful also for developing your speaking skills and your fluency. : Watch TV on the net. Hundreds of videos to play and listen to. : Listening comprehension exercises on various topics.
I hope these websites help all of you improve your listening skills.Regards.